The CMDA New Orleans Chapter exists to educate, encourage, and equip Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God. This is accomplished through advising and assisting the student chapters at the Tulane School of Medicine and the LSU Schools of Medicine and Dentistry and by creating fellowship, educational and service opportunities for Christian Health Professionals in the New Orleans area.

Where we are involved

Schools & Campuses

Tulane School of Medicine and LSU Schools of Medicine and Dentistry in New Orleans.

The student chapters in all three schools are involved in fellowship, service, and learning activities organized by both student chapter leaders and faculty advisors.

Meetings & Activities

There are student meetings multiple times per semester on each campus and occasional learning and fellowship activities for Medical/Dental Professionals.


Take Action with Us

Chapter members and students have been involved with Global Health Outreach.

CMDA New Orleans maintains an email list to notify interested persons of scheduled events. If you would like to have your name and email address added to our list, please send it to: Mark Dal Corso at: [email protected].

Giving to this ministry would be used for activities to minister to and reach out to students on the three campuses we serve. Funding could also be used to help support activities of the medical/dental professionals in practice such as guest speakers and other learning and fellowship activities.

We would love to hear from you.

Chapter Contact Information

CMDA New Orleans

For more information about the New Orleans Chapter:

John Ward DDS – [email protected]
Jeff Lackey MD – [email protected]
Mark Dal Corso MDMPH – [email protected]

John Ward DDS, Jeff Lackey MD, and Mark Dal Corso MD are faculty at the health professions schools in New Orleans and advisors for the student CMDA Chapters.