A Doctor’s Journey Through Mentoring
July 26, 2023
Join Bill Reichart as he discusses the importance of mentoring with Dr. Alexandria McDow - how it has impacted her journey and how her passion for mentoring the next generation of healthcare professionals continues to shape her life.
Alexandria McDow, MD, FACS is a general surgeon and endocrine surgeon at Indiana University. She specializes in treating diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands. She has been actively engaged with CMDA since 2007 and was the founder of the inaugural Connect the Docs at University of Kentucky in 2009. She has served on the CMDA Board of Trustees as both a Resident Trustee and Young Trustee. She is passionate about mentorship, surgical education, and global surgery.
PULSE Show Notes: https://cmdastudentlife.org/pulsepodcast
Audio Edition: https://cmda.org/podcast/
CMDA Student Ministries: https://ccm.cmda.org/